Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay Steroid Legalization Rebuttal - 811 Words

Rebuttal Article â€Å"Why it’s time to legalize steroids in professional sports† written by Chris Smith of Forbes Magazine argues that to level the playing field of professional sports it would be beneficial to legalize the use of performance enhancing drugs. Mr. Smith’s ideals that professional sports would be a fairer, more entertaining version of itself if performance enhancing drugs were legal, is an incredibly irresponsible and impudent declaration. Mr. Smith states â€Å"The primary reason why performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) are outlawed in professional sports is that they give users an unfair advantage over the rest of the field† and that â€Å"legalizing PEDs would make life much easier for professional sports organizations currently†¦show more content†¦By suggesting that it is alright for a twenty-five year old professional baseball player to use anabolic steroids, it is also being suggested that a fifteen high school baseball be a fforded the same right of a superior drug induced athletic performance. How fast do we need to see a person run or bike, how far do we need to see a baseball hit or how hard do we need to see a football player tackled. The human body is an incredible machine in itself, why do we need to push that machine to limits that are not natural. Performance enhancing drugs allow for several advantages for athletes they assist in the rapid development of muscle mass and strength, they enhance focus and timing and most importantly to a professional athlete some performance enhancing drugs allow for quicker recovery time from injuries. Athletes are vulnerable; one injury could end the career that they have worked their entire lives for, and so the ability to recover at a much faster rate than a non-doping athlete is an advantage unto itself. Mr. Smith states that â€Å"athletes undertake serious health risks by simply walking onto the field or straddling a bike† which is true and athletes know the

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